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Executive Team

Markus Ulfstedt Group CEO, p. +358 40 501 5578
Katariina Matveinen Group CFO
Tuija Meschini CMO
Timo Palo Business Director, Ambulance Services p. +358 50 365 3305
Jukka Rantala Director of Quality and Home Care Services p. +358 40 773 1434
Peter Söderlund Business Director, Personal Assistance Services p. +358 44 409 0203


Board of Directors

Vesa Kämäräinen

Doctor of Science in Technology, Helsinki University of Technology

Master of Science in Economics, Helsinki School of Economics

Chairman of the Board of 9Lives Group Oy since 2023. Member of the Board of 9Lives Group Oy since 2022.

Vesa has 20 years of experience in developing social and health care both in the private and public sector. He is a co-founder of Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) and served as its CEO for 18 years, growing the company into a leading operator in the field, employing 200 experts and operating in four countries. Previously, Vesa has worked as a researcher and director of research at Helsinki University of Technology, and been involved as a board member, investor or initiator in several startup companies. Currently, Vesa is the chairman of 9Lives Group Oy, a member of the board of Nordic Healthcare Group Oy, and Reslink Solutions Oy. 

Vesa Ekroos

Master of Science in Economics, Helsinki School of Economics, AMP (INSEAD)

Chairman of the Board of 9Lives Group Oy in 2018 – 2023.

Vesa has decades of experience in management and board positions in health care companies. He has served as the Chairman of the Board and CEO of Mehiläinen Oyj, Chairman of the Board of Kuntoutussairaala Kyyhkylä Oy and Kaunialan Sairaala Oy. Previously, he has held various other positions in social, healthcare, and pharmaceutical companies, such as Chairman of Mediverkko-Yhtymä Oy’s Board, Member of Nordic Healthcare Group Oy’s Board, and management roles at Orion Group. Currently, he serves as Vice Chairman of the Live Foundation’s Board (formerly Invalidisäätiö).

Antti Ylikorkala

MD, University of Helsinki

Member of the Board of 9Lives Group Oy since 2019

Antti has a diverse international experience in healthcare service companies. He is a member of the Governing Board of German Doctari GmBH and Swedish Art Clinic AB and has previously held management positions at Attendo and MedOne Oy.

Markus Ulfstedt

MSc (Econ), Hanken School of Economics

Member of the Board of 9Lives Group Oy since 2013

Markus Ulfstedt is the principal owner and CEO of 9Lives Group Oy. Previously, he has served in management positions at Aditro Oy and Personec Oy. Markus has also been a corporate management consultant at Bain & Company.